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Calcular o agregar valores Z a un shp en ArcGIS

Publicado: Vie Ago 19, 2011 12:24 pm
por chicocarto

¿Hay una manera de calcular los valores de Z para un archivo shp de un atributo de campo que contiene valores de elevación en ArcGIS 9.3 que no sea editando el archivo shp y de introducir los valores manualmente?

Una vez hecho esto, es posible convertir los puntos (con los valores de z) a una línea (con cada punto como un vértice), que conserva los valores de z?

Cualquier idea, por favor hágamelo saber.


Re: Calcular o agregar valores Z a un shp

Publicado: Vie Ago 19, 2011 12:32 pm
por renato
En ArcGIS 9.3, abres la tabla de atributos y en el campo Z con clic derecho seleccionas Field Calculator. Dentro de Field Calculator activar Advanced. ahí pegas el siguiente código:


Código: Seleccionar todo

Dim pPoint As IPoint
Set pPoint = [SHAPE]
pPoint.Z = [zFIELD]
en el botón de Field Calculator ajustar SHAPE = [SHAPE]

Esto permite actualizar la geometría de los valores del campo Z en el campo llamado "zFIELD" en los atributos de la tabla.

espero haberte ayudado...

Re: Calcular o agregar valores Z a un shp

Publicado: Vie Ago 19, 2011 12:42 pm
por renato
En ArcGIS 10, existe una herramienta en python script que se llama Point to Line that will work.

Ahora en ArcGIS 9.3, puedes usar el código que dejo al final. este código requiere una capa de puntos como la primera capa en tu mapa (se puede modificar muy facilmente) y también te toca actualizar el directorio de tu geodatabase. Puedes copiar y pegar este código en VBA Editor de ArcMap.

Código: Seleccionar todo

Public Sub New_Polyline()

Dim pMxd As IMxDocument
Set pMxd = ThisDocument
Dim pMap As IMap
Set pMap = pMxd.FocusMap
Dim pFlyr As IFeatureLayer
Set pFlyr = pMap.Layer(0) 'First layer in map; needs to be a Point layer

Dim pPtCol As IPointCollection, pPolyLine As IPolyline
Dim pFC As IFeatureClass, pFeat As IFeature
Dim pFeatCursor As IFeatureCursor
Set pFC = pFlyr.FeatureClass
Set pFeatCursor = pFC.Search(Nothing, False)
Set pFeat = pFeatCursor.NextFeature
Set pPolyLine = New Polyline
Dim pZA As IZAware
Set pZA = pPolyLine
pZA.ZAware = True
Set pPtCol = pZA

'Iterate to add points to the collection
Do Until pFeat Is Nothing
    pPtCol.AddPoint pFeat.Shape
    Set pFeat = pFeatCursor.NextFeature

Dim pFWork As IFeatureWorkspace
Set pFWork = OpenFileGDBWorkspace("C:\temp\TEST.gdb")
Dim pOutFeatureClass As IFeatureClass
Set pOutFeatureClass = CreateFC(pFWork, "newPolyLine", pMap.SpatialReference)

Dim pFCInsert As IFeatureCursor
Dim pFeatInsert As IFeatureBuffer
Set pFeatInsert = pOutFeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer
Set pFeatInsert.Shape = pPolyLine
Set pFCInsert = pOutFeatureClass.Insert(True)
Call pFCInsert.InsertFeature(pFeatInsert)

Dim pFeatureLayer As IFeatureLayer
Set pFeatureLayer = New FeatureLayer
Set pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pOutFeatureClass
pFeatureLayer.name = pOutFeatureClass.AliasName
pMap.AddLayer pFeatureLayer
pMap.MoveLayer pFeatureLayer, pMap.LayerCount - 1 'optional move beneath point layer

'Refresh the table of contents and the map
Dim pActiveView As IActiveView
Set pActiveView = pMap
Call pActiveView.Refresh

End Sub

Private Function OpenFileGDBWorkspace(path As String) As IWorkspace
    Dim pWorkFactory As IWorkspaceFactory
    Set pWorkFactory = New FileGDBWorkspaceFactory
    Set OpenFileGDBWorkspace = pWorkFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0)
End Function

Private Function CreateFC(pFWork As IFeatureWorkspace, name As String, pSpatRef As ISpatialReference)
    Set CreateFC = pFWork.CreateFeatureClass(name, GetShapeFields(pSpatRef), Nothing, Nothing, esriFTSimple, "Shape", "")
End Function

Private Function DrawPolylineGraphic(pMap As IMap, pPtCol As IPointCollection)
    'If you don't want to create a feature class use this function
    'Use GraphicsContainer so Redraw doesn't erase line
    Dim pActiveView As IActiveView
    Dim pGraphicsContainer As IGraphicsContainer
    Dim pElement As IElement
    Dim pGeom As IGeometry
    Set pActiveView = pMap
    Set pGraphicsContainer = pMap
    Set pElement = New LineElement
    Set pGeom = pPtCol
    pElement.Geometry = pGeom
    pGraphicsContainer.AddElement pElement, 0
    pActiveView.PartialRefresh esriViewGraphics, Nothing, Nothing

End Function

Private Function GetShapeFields(pSpatRef As ISpatialReference) As IFields
    Dim pFields As IFieldsEdit
    Dim pField As IFieldEdit
    Dim pGeoDef As IGeometryDef
    Set pGeoDef = New GeometryDef
    Dim pGeoDefE As IGeometryDefEdit
    Set pFields = New Fields
    'OID Field
    Set pField = New Field
    pField.name = "ObjectId"
    pField.AliasName = "ObjectId"
    pField.Type = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID
    Call pFields.AddField(pField)
    'Shape Field
    Set pField = New Field
    With pField
    .name = "Shape"
    .AliasName = "Shape"
    .Type = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry
    End With
    'Geometry Definition
    Set pGeoDefE = pGeoDef
    With pGeoDefE
    .GeometryType = esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline
    .GridCount = 1
    .GridSize(0) = 0
    .HasZ = True
    Set .SpatialReference = pSpatRef
    End With
    Set pField.GeometryDef = pGeoDefE
    Call pFields.AddField(pField)
    Set GetShapeFields = pFields
End Function

Re: Calcular o agregar valores Z a un shp en ArcGIS

Publicado: Vie Ago 26, 2011 12:38 pm
por gatomario
Si quieres agregar coordenadas Z a una shapefile (shp) en arcgis, primero debes contar con un DEM o un TIN.

Luego desde el ArcToolbox > 3D Analyst Tools > Functional Surface > Add Surface Information.

En el primer campo seleccionas el shp, en el segundo campo el TIN o DEM y en el tercer campo seleccionas Z.

espero haber ayudado ...

Saludos desde Ecuador.